Smoking Weed in California, Things to do when you’re high

Smoking Weed in California, Things to do when you’re high

Smoking Weed in California, Making Memories one Joint at a Time

Smoking weed in California

Are you thinking about taking a trip to California? Then you are probably trying to figure out what cool weed related activities can you do. If you have ever gotten high and gone on YouTube. Chances are you have seen the show Vice. Vice gives weed travelers the opportunity to visit different places, to smoke marijuana. While also trying weed relate activities and events. These events & activities include everything from cooking with marijuana, smoke and paint sessions & marijuana and yoga classes. So if you searching for thing to do when your high. You should try new things and just have fun.

Smoking weed for a living

 Traveling to California for a stoner session would be the ultimate stoner trip. Smoking weed for a living and traveling is becoming one of the top jobs within the 420 industry. Bloggers are using their platforms and audiences, to show new experiences earning them lucrative incomes. There are different ways people are getting paid to travel and get high. Some people receive sponsorship deals to travel and document their experience, while others just rely on their audiences and content. Producing good content for your audiences can also help bring in extra money. Usually the money comes from advertising products or services or even selling your own products.

Thing to do when you’re high

So if you’re thinking about traveling to California but not sure how you’re going to pay for it. Then try to find someone to sponsor your trip. Or save up and pay for the trip yourself. Document your experiences with pictures, videos and blog post. If done right with a large following or audiences your trip could pay for itself before you even get back home. When smoking weed and traveling make sure you abide by all current weed related laws and restrictions.

Where is the one place in the world you want to travel to and get HIGH?

Things to Watch While High- Smoking Weed in California

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